Blue Booklet
Authors :
Yves LAMBERT, Christine BINSFELD, Paul ALONSO, Nicole DOME and anonymous
from French to English by Natalie LEVEL and Annie WARMKE
This brochure (picture)
is for prostitutes.
The purpose is to help preserve their health, their security and dignity.
There is no other objective.
Blue Booklet was developed in 1995 in a group process by Antigone
with the help of prostitutes and ex-prostitutes. Antigone thanks : |
prostitutes and ex-prostitutes who participated in the development
of this brochure
GGD Group in Rotterdam for their help
Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie for their financial help
DDASS of Meurthe-et-Moselle for their support.
points in this document have been inspired by L. Synn Stern, Tricks
Of The Trade, 1991. |
was without work and I decided to become a prostitute. It was very hard,
of course but I didn’t have a choice. It is true that when you are a
prostitute you feel you are different from “normal” people who stay
at home at night. “Normal” people look down on us. But nevertheless
we are important to our clients who are, during the day “normal” people.
It is true that when you are a prostitute you don’t have the same life.
We work at night. We sleep in the morning. As a matter of fact life
is different from “normal” people. We feel very lonely even though we
have contacts with our clients. We feel very nervous. We always feel
we are in
danger because we do not know if the clients are mad or dangerous. Because
of all that it takes to be a prostitute, I am afraid.”
E., ex-prostitute,
HIV positive
way we dress |
For your
is best not to wear dangling or hoop earrings because they can be pulled
out of your ear accidentally or intentionally
is best not to wear a scarf of any length. It is also not a good idea
to carry a bag with a strap long enough to go around your neck. In fact
it is best not to carry anything that can be used to go around your
shoes that you can run in or that can be removed easily
should not wear any object that can hurt you or that can be used against
you like a bangle bracelet or a large dress, etc.
put your money in a place where you can find it without having to look
at it
your glasses with you if you need them to see with. You not only have
to be seen but you need to be able to see everything that is going on
around you
you drink alcohol or if you use other mood altering drugs that make
your work seem less difficult be careful. This type of use of drugs
makes you less aware of what is going on around you. Using alcohol or
drugs, or both can put you in danger
carry any weapons. Any weapon can be used against you
you are in danger you must use your voice to shout to draw attention
to what is happening to you, or be prepared to move quickly instead
of using some type of force. You are no match for a person who wants
to harm you. Make
a lot of noise. Use the car horn. Put on the car lights. Don’t hesitate
to run away in the direction of people and light
" What
is very hard is that before I have to go with a man I have to drink.
If I don’t drink I can’t work. Drinking helps me to be able to do my
A., ex-prostitute, HIV positive
For your health
care of your feet. Keep your nails short
underwear can cause infection. It is better to use cotton underwear.
You need to change to clean underwear everyday
should not wear nylon stockings without underwear because it can cause
your period you should use tampons, instead of feminine napkins. You
should change the tampons frequently
should take a daily shower or bath. It is better to take a bath without
adding any bubbles or perfumes because it can cause infection
STDs (Sexually
Transmitted Diseases)
STDs are diseases or infections
you can contract during unprotected sexual activity (without using contraceptive
sheath/condoms) involving the mouth, vagina, penis and/or anus. You
can contract an STD if your mouth, vagina, penis and/or anus touch those
same parts of your sexual partner.
The STD can come in different
forms :
: public lice (crabs), scabies, trichinosis
: chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis
: genital warts, herpes, hepatitis B, HIV.
STD has different symptoms. Usually you don’t have any symptoms. You do
not know that you have hepatitis, chlamydia and HIV in their early stages.
If you have symptoms or you don’t have symptoms, you may have an STD or
you can transmit an STD to someone else. |
STD does not go away without medication that is given to you by a doctor
or clinic. For some STD’s the cure is very simple. Only a doctor can diagnosis
your particular STD and give you the right medication to cure the parasite,
bacteria or virus. |
you don’t get medical help for an STD, it can be very bad for your health
(sterility, cancer of the uterus for instance). An STD can be very bad
for the health of the people you have had sex with. You must take all
of the medicine you are given by the doctor otherwise the STD may not
be cured even if the symptoms go away.
Your sexual
partners must also take the medication. You will need to warn your sexual
partners as soon as possible so that they will not give the STD to other
people. |
It is possible to
protect yourself from hepatitis A and B by vaccination. There is no
vaccination for other kinds of hepatitis.
With the
what you agree to do or not
where you are going. Don’t leave the choice to the client
strange clients. Clients who have drunk heavily and those who have
odd requests
need to have a supply of contraceptive sheaths/condoms, lubricants
and tissue
The negotiation
the client gives you a bad impression when you meet (on the sidewalk
which is your territory), it will be worse when you will be
in his car (on his territory).
you draw near the car keep a safe distance from the door so as to
avoid being injured by a knife or spit on or tear gassed ...
sure the client is alone in the car
watchful and keep a close eye on his attitude/behavior
Negotiate the
fee and the place before going away with the client
have to insist on using a contraceptive sheath/condom
you work alone pretend you have a friend close by. For example you
could act as if your friend is off in the bushes or round the corner,
pretend you're talking to her/him
With the client
in charge of the situation with your client
the car, close the door and check immediately that you can open it
again (make as if the door isn’t completely closed so that you can
open it to check to see if it opens again)
closely at your client. It is not too late to change your mind and
get out of the car
the money that he gives you somewhere that he can see it but not with
the rest of your money
you prostitute you always have a condom in your bag. But sometimes the
clients refuse to wear the condom (…). You cannot say anything because
it is too dangerous, with regard to the other clients and
prostitution circle. Morally when you know that you are contaminating
clients it is very hard but you don’t have any choice. For me it is
not a question of negligence but it is a need of money and with AIDS
less clients in general. So, on a few clients we have to accept everyone
with or without a condom. To do whatever they want."
E., ex-prostitute, HIV
Oral sex
a two-door car, you must stay in the front seat
a contraceptive sheath/condom on the man with your hands or your mouth
and be sure that it fits correctly
close your eyes. Keep an eye on him and on his hands at all times
sure that your chin or your cheek doesn’t touch his thighs or his
If he has herpes or pubic lice (crabs), you can become infected
inside of your throat is very fragile so don’t let the penis go very
far into your throat
ejaculation put firm pressure at the base of the contraceptive sheath/condom
so that the sperm does not leak into your mouth
Oral sex without a condom
are taking the risk of being infected with a sexually transmitted infection
(STI) or a disease like HIV (AIDS)
risk of infection (for example HIV or STI) is due to the liquids making
contact with sores in your mouth, your throat and your lips.
It is probably not due to the fact of swallowing sperm
your lips, your mouth and your throat as moist as possible. on’t swallow
your saliva
or contraction of the scrotum are the sign that the ejaculation is about
to happen. The ejaculation should not happen in your mouth because sperm
carries the HIV or STD germs. It
is better for him to ejaculate on you. Not in your mouth
it is finished you need to take a bath or shower to wash your skin with
an anti-bacterial product or rubbing alcohol you can buy from a pharmacy.
Don’t brush your teeth. If your gums bleed for any reason (it can be
unnoticed), this can introduce an infection.
HIV infection
and AIDS
HIV or Human Immune Deficiency
Virus is responsible for AIDS. AIDS is still today an incurable disease
ending in death.
are three ways of catching and transmitting HIV : |
sexual relations with someone who has HIV ;
blood (for example : sharing needles during drug use) ;
From an HIV
Positive mother to her fetus during pregnancy.
tears, skin contact, urine, and feces may not be the carrier of HIV. Blood,
sperm, sexual secretion from women and men, and mother’s milk can be the
carrier of HIV. |
The HIV virus needs a way to
get into your body. Microlesions in the mouth's mucus membrane or the
vagina's or the penis' and the anus' make it possible to get HIV by
the liquids getting in touch with blood.
to protect yourself against HIV : |
contraceptive sheath/condom every time (men/men, men/women) or carry
a piece of latex (women/women, women/men) during sexual contact ;
Always use
a new syringe for people who use drugs that require a needle.
The only way to
know if someone is HIV positive is to have a special blood test. A person
who is HIV positive may have no symptoms but he/she can give HIV to
Vaginal sex
Sex at lower risk
using the contraceptive sheath/condoms you can be protected from catching
HIV or an STD but, even if you use this every single time, you can
get pregnant if not used correctly or in case of accidental tear.
All prostitutes
should use another form of contraception to keep from pregnancy
gel, foam, vaginal suppository work well in preventing pregnancy if
used with a contraceptive sheath/condom
need to find the right combination of these products that work best
for you. You can talk about it with your doctor or gynecologist
can get a urinary infection from the friction of the penis against
a full bladder. It is important to urinate regularly
use of certain drugs gives you the impression that you don’t need
to urinate. It is best to force yourself to urinate after each sexual
is good to drink a lot of non-sugar liquids to prevent urinary track
infection and dehydration. If you have too much sugar, tea, coffee,
coca-cola and certain drugs with speed, this increases the risk of
urinary and vaginal infection
infection can give you sores that increase the risk of being infected
by STI or HIV. You need to avoid having these infections or you must
treat them immediately
yeast infections are due to not being clean and or the use of synthetic
underwear. Wear cotton underwear
not douche. If you have to do it, douche after your work, not before
because you are increasing the risk of infection
With the client
to negotiate the sexual relations without vaginal penetration. Use
your hands, your mouth, your breasts, and your butt cheeks
is sometimes possible (between your thighs with the help of your hand,
for instance)
lubricated contraceptive sheath/condom. Be sure that it has the NF
symbol of approval (France
convince the client, talk about his security, your security, his sexual
needs (explain to him that with the contraceptive sheath/condom the
sexual contact lasts longer and gives you more excitement)
the client refuses to use the contraceptive sheath/condom and you
accept to work with him without it, you have to simulate and to find
a way to make him think you are having vaginal sex so as to avoid
any contact of the sperm with the vaginal area
the penis goes in too far inside the vagina it can cause damage to
the cervix. Your hand at the base of his penis may limit how far he
can go and makes sure that the contraceptive sheath/condom stays in
you are having pain during the penetration, there is a risk of infection.
You must go to the doctor immediately
ejaculation, be sure to keep the contraceptive sheath/condom in place
by holding the condom tight at the bottom so when the client is finished
the sperm doesn’t leak into the vagina
let him put his fingers in your anus and then afterwards into your
vagina. There is a risk of infection
it makes me cry. It is going to make me cry to tell this story when
I was young. It was very hard. Particularly the way I lived by prostituting
to get money. I was 16 years old in Paris, in Lyon … In fact I
started in Nancy, Place Carnot. I started to prostitute myself because
I didn’t want to keep moving around. I prostituted myself to get money,
so as not to steal and go to jail."
A., ex-prostitute, HIV
Anal sex
is the most dangerous practice and the most risky for infection by HIV
(AIDS), hepatitis and other illnesses : try to negotiate another
again pretending to have sex this way (simulation) is sometimes possible
a thick contraceptive sheath/condom and add a water-based lubricant
(check the notice on the package). Apply often
use Vaseline, oil or cream. These oily products make the contraceptive
sheath/condom porous and inefficient against STDs and HIV (AIDS).
avoid infection don’t let him go from your anus to your mouth or vagina
you have to do something else with the client after sodomy change your
contraceptive sheath/condom
can be uncomfortable or make you feel uneasy, it can make it difficult
for you to have a bowel movement. If you are constipated you have to
drink a lot of water, eat a lot of oily/fatty food and fruits and vegetables
“With regard
to the circle in which I was living, silence was advisable and even
essential to survive in this prostitution circle.”
E., ex-prostitute, HIV positive
Other practices
is possible to be contaminated by hepatitis and or amoebas by licking
the anus of someone infected
by putting some saliva on the joint of the finger
use a piece of latex or cut a piece of contraceptive sheath/condom
is very risky to stretch out under someone
can present a risk of infection or increase the risk of being contaminated
by another client
you are HIV positive or have an STD use a piece of latex or cut a
piece of contraceptive sheath/condom
Vibrators, dildos
and sex toys
your own material only
these objects with a contraceptive sheath/condom and clean after each
an object must go from the anus to the vagina, change the contraceptive
Playing with urine
do not transmit HIV (AIDS) but it can transmit other infections
do not transmit HIV but it can be the source of many infections
all contact with the mucus membrane (mouth, penis, vagina). If contact
with the mouth, penis, or vagina happens talk to your doctor. He will
prescribe antibiotics
let the client tie you up. You must be the one who dominates
be in contact with blood
do you know if you have been contaminated by AIDS virus ?
The only way to
know is to have a blood test : it is just a simple blood test (you
can eat or drink before the test).
You can ask
your doctor to prescribe this test (even if you are a minor) or it can
be done at the Centre
de Dépistage Anonyme et Gratuit (CDAG, France only).
This clinic does not ask you to give your name and the blood test is
free of charge.
It is necessary to know if you have been contaminated by AIDS virus : |
You must know if you are HIV positive before you can receive medical
help and treatment. It is necessary to have early treatment. These
treatments help people who have been contaminated live longer.
you have been contaminated it is necessary : |
protect others
protect oneself so as not to be contaminated several times for it
accelerates the AIDS disease
and pregnancy
pregnancy your immune system is weakened. Be very careful. You and
your baby are more sensitive to infection
very aware of infections and treat them immediately
penetration and be the master of your situation with the client. In
all cases you must use a contraceptive sheath/condom
is possible you may develop hemorrhoids : they can bleed and
be an open door to infections
the beginning I had an STD. The doctor at the test center advised me
to make a test for HIV […] It is true that you see life differently
when you have AIDS. We tell ourself that we are going to die, that you
are condemned shortly. Then you think. You become more serene, with
ups and downs morally, of course. But, on the whole each day that goes
by is a victory on time.”
E., ex-prostitute, HIV positive
Prostitution and drug use
that the client doesn’t know that you are a drug user : he could
take advantage of this situation
antihistamine will stop you from sniffing
must be paid cash, never with drugs : it seems more professional
and you will look more confident
obvious needle marks
use clean syringes and new needles or clean them correctly with household
bleach or boil the needles for ten minutes. You will avoid HIV (AIDS)
and hepatitis if you don’t share the syringes and other materials
with others
you shoot up too much or you use too many drugs, you are not working
safely at all
a lot of water to prevent constipation, dry mouth and itchy skin
frequently even if you don‘t feel like you need to in order to avoid
risk of infection
“I meet A. and
the world of drug. I think I wanted to try the drug use so as to try
not to think of my past without knowing that I was going to know another
world which is much more cruel. Because drug make you loose your identity.
You are nothing any longer. Heroin is much stronger than you. It is
heroin that tells you that you have to get money where you can. You
are its slave.”
D., ex-prostitute, HIV positive.
to the word "CDAG" in the text]
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