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Heart and body > Advice to the worried

Le nouveau désordre amoureux
Collection Points, Edition du Seuil,P423

The text opposite is an extract from the above book, which we obviously recommend reading.

The two authors, Pascal Bruckner and Alain Finkielkraut, have a go at the guiding schemas of a certain discussion about sexuality. With violence and wisdom, they alternate between very rigorous analysis and very provocative statements, continually demonstrating the normalizing therefore totalitarian tendency; sexology theories as long as they only target promoting a certain model to the detriment of the others. What happens to all the pleasure, including those on which weigh the deepest suspicions of the knowledge censors: sentimental pleasure?

The men who will read this book to the end without cheating (I only know a few, this seems ... let's say ... to annoy them ... sometimes) win a whole year of volunteer work at SOS Femmes Accueil (if they have any skills)!

Size doesn't matter

Masculine erections normally vary from 15 to 17 centimeters. But it is completely ridiculous to feel psychologically diminished if one's own penis is only 12 or 13 centimeters once erect. Let's remember that the size of the object is much less important than what one does with it. And so it is not a serious problem if the erect organ is 8 or 9 centimeters (a still very honorable size), and even less alarming if your if your swelled member only measures 5 centimeters or 4 or 3 or 2. And if your penis doesn't exceed 50 millimeters or 1 centimeter, well then your penis is really no longer important.

About vaginitous or impotency: 5 discussions, 5 possible methods

The sexologist, immediately pratical: Several problems are mixed up in your case, start by coating your partner's penis with butter or Vaseline, think of things that excite you, relaunch your fantasies at the moment of the sexual act. If the symptoms persist, take orgasm therapy, join a humanist Sexology group, read Equality, Freedom, Sexuality (Egalité, Liberté, Sexualité); The couple and its caresses (Le couple et ses caresses); Massage your member (Massez son gland); go see erotic films, results guaranteed within a month.

The psychoanalyst, highly knowledgeable:
Undoubtedly, this problem goes back a long time. Together, we are going to explore your previous body, lay down, I promise you an erection in 6 years ...

The militant, eminently historical:
Brought to bay in its insurmountable contradictions, Capital strikes today in the very heart of our intimacy. Comrade, if you want to regain full use of your faculties as a lover, come fight with us in the struggle against this hideous monster who castrates us all ...

The cynic, always in a hurry:
Your vagina, did you say, is closed? Your penis doesn't stand up straight? That means that are worthless. Plug up the first, cut off the second. Besides, as you're rich, you don't need so many organs.

Ourselves, radically incompetent:
You are sick of the genital, take advantage of the situation to think about something else. Get rid of the idea that sexuality stops as soon as you can't make love (where the possibility of filling the genital contract subsides). For example, try sodomy; sensitize other parts of your body, finish up with all kinds of sexual house arrest. Lose your mentality of an incompetent, don't expect anything from the specialists, they are the ones that instilled this health obsession. Don't take your sexual needs for weakness; discover its other strengths, other perspectives which were hidden by the noisy success of the organism. And especially, don't enter into the horrible circle of guilt; don't seek help because searching for a remedy is to already accept yourself as sick, as inferior: trick the images imposed by the laws on our sexuality. For that matter, don't worry (this is especially for the boys): if you have been impotent for more than 6 months, your penis will fall off by itself.

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