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Contraception > The IUD (intraterine device)



The IUD is a small object measuring 2 to 3 cm long that the doctor inserts into the uterine cavity. It is made of white polyethylene (a type of plastic), a double thread knotted on its inferior ends enables control of its position and its removal (the threads go past the col of the uterus and can be felt with the fingers). The IUD's presence prevents fertilization by causing a slight inflammation of the uterus' mucous membrane (but the woman doesn't feel it).

There are several forms of IUDs (T-shape, spiral…). Certain IUDs are sheathed in copper (the copper filament is toxic for the spermatozoids); others contain progesterone (which blocks the development of the uterus' mucous membrane).
The IUD should be replaced every 3 or 4 years.
In France, this method is not proposed to women who have not given birth.

Reliability: reliable but statistically inferior to the pill (rare risk of extra-uterine pregnancy).

Once inserted, its protection is permanent; the cycle stays spontaneous without metabolic repercussions. The woman fitted with an IUD doesn't have to do anything. However, it is advised to regularly verify the presence and the length of the threads when washing yourself.

Inconveniences: after insertion, you may feel some discomfort which can last for several cycles. IUDs which contain progesterone can cause amenorrhea (absence of period), which can cause concern: if this happens, take a pregnancy test or consult your doctor.

Never forget: only condoms and Fémidom® protect from AIDS!

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