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Abortion > Aid and rights (pregnancy maintenance)


You have rights...

If you decide to maintain your pregnancy and you are alone, you may be eligible for financial aid (Allocation Parent Isolé and Allocation de Soutien Familial) until your child is three years old.

All the details (conditions, amounts, ...) and other complementary aids (housing...) can be found on the website of the CAF (Caisse d'Allocations Familiales) http://www.caf.fr/ and especially starting at this page : http://www.caf.fr/catalogue/

On this website, you will also find information about all other cases (young couple under 25 without income, family allocations, etc.) and you can calculate what you should have a right to.

Don't hesitate to contact the CAF of your department or to meet with your local social assistant who will know how to advise you and help you in this process.

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